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Erre kerestem választ 2008-ban.
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Ki is használtam.
Amennyiben érdekel, hogy mit teszek 2020-ban, javaslom nézz szét a linkek között, s csináld meg azt, amely szimpatikus Neked!
Ez a blog 2020 április 01-től már nem mindennaposan frissül tovább!
Ez nem áprilisi tréfa.
Tehát, tovább a blogban található linkek valamelyikére.
Tisztelettel, Gyulapu
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Attention, by clicking on the links and watching this video you agree to the rules:
Binary options trading is a big financial risk that can lead to loss of money. Before you start trading, study the laws of your country and region. You may not be allowed to use the PocketOption platform or other binary brokers. Besides, as per CFTC Rules, U.S Traders should not trade binary options. In some countries, binary options are banned or recognized as a "financial game". Starting to work, you agree with this and take responsibility for yourself. I do not recommend repeating the actions from the video. Never trade if you have financial problems, do not trade with the last money. This content is made for educational purposes ONLY. The description contains some links, which means I can receive a small commission or bonuses. You can learn from my experience, but never rely on me to make you richer. Be careful because there are fake accounts around that use my name and content for fraud purposes track
I'm not selling anything. I'm not writing the first one. I don't take money from people. I do not provide financial services. I make my blog to educate others and show work experience.
Thanks for understanding.
Now I sometimes use this trading strategy when I give trading signals. I have been working in the binary market for 4 years and I know many different secrets and methods of analysis. There are many types of trading in the world: cryptocurrencies, scalping, forex, options and more. But I like binary trading because it's fast and easy for a beginner. Use this method and train on a demo account. Pocketoption. Binary trading. My binary options strategy. Quotex, iqoption and more.
On my YouTube channel where we speak about things like:
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- binary options
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- social trading
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